Following my retirement from my psychotherapy practice, I find I am finally able to commit to the discipline of doing a Daily Sketch and am really enjoying it. No expectations, no ‘bigger picture’, not directly related to any other ongoing art projects, no deadline (other than the midnight hour!); time to play and experiment, to try out new or re-visit old materials, or whatever is to hand. Any subject will do. Here are my attempts from the past week:

This is all part of a re-setting and re-calibration of my art practice, so that it now moves to the centre of my creative life. Creating a proper structure for my week, which includes time and space for all aspects of my practice, including getting this blog up and running, is proving to be quite a task, but I’m slowly getting there a bit at a time. Now I just have to work out how to get this stuff onto Instagram and my Facebook page! Help!